Installing msprime and pyslim with conda ======================================== If you use the conda package manager, it's easy to install msprime and pyslim. The only problem arises when package dependencies downloaded from the conda defaults channel conflict with the ones from the conda-forge channel; the following instructions walk you through the process of installation to avoid this. First, we need to make sure that conda-forge is a lower priority channel than the defaults channel. On a terminal, type the following: conda config --get channels If you don't see `conda-forge` at all in the output, that's good - it means it's not configured as one of the default channels. If you do, make sure it is listed as lower priority than the channel called `defaults`. If `conda-forge` is higher priority, , you need to edit your `.condarc` file, which is probably located in `~/.condarc`. Just edit it so that `conda-forge` appears below `defaults` in the channel listing, or delete the `conda-forge` line altogether. Now things should be straightforward. First, we create a new environment with Python 3 and matplotlib. conda create -n slim-workshop python=3 matplotlib Next, we activate it. source activate slim-workshop Now, we install the packages: `msprime` is found in `conda-forge`, and `pyslim` has to be installed using `pip`. conda install -c conda-forge msprime pip install pyslim And you should be ready to go. **Optional: installing R.** If you want to have the workshop environment hold its own version of R, you need to do it *after* all the previous steps - again, to avoid dependency conflicts with `conda-forge`. At this point, you can safely type conda install -c r r-essentials And R should be installed correctly in your environment. --------------------------------------- Some conda users have reported a problem with the openblas library and msprime. The problem manifests something like this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in import msprime, pyslim File "/home/username/anaconda3/envs/slim-workshop/lib/python3.8/site-packages/msprime/", line 49, in from msprime.provenance import __version__ File "/home/username/anaconda3/envs/slim-workshop/lib/python3.8/site-packages/msprime/", line 25, in import _msprime ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory The issue here is apparently that conda is installing blas from MKL instead of openblas. An issue related to this can be found here: The issue has been closed; it is unclear why it continues to bite people, but it sounds like they would welcome new issues being filed by people when this occurs. In any case, the workaround is apparently to do this: conda uninstall blas --force --offline conda install conda-forge::blas=*=openblas A discussion of this on slim-discuss can be found here:!msg/slim-discuss/GMVvcp4sjkY/k9EnPGacBQAJ It pretty much just recapitulates the information above, however. If someone finds a better fix for this issue (or a way to avoid it arising in the first place!), that feedback would be welcome. - Ben Haller, 7/7/2020